Quick start

In this guide, users can start a quantum network simulation in a few lines of code. We present two examples to give a overall sense of SimQN.

QKD simulation with manual network construction

The first experiments, we will carry out a BB84 protocol between two nodes. BB84SendApp and BB84RecvApp provided by SimQN implements the major protocol. First, we instantiate the simulator:

from qns.simulator.simulator import Simulator

s = Simulator(0, 10, accuracy=10000000000)

The simulation is last for 10 seconds and the accuracy is 10,000,000,000 slots in one second. Then, we generate two nodes and connect them with a quantum channel and a classic channel:

from qns.entity.cchannel.cchannel import ClassicChannel
from qns.entity.qchannel.qchannel import QuantumChannel
from qns.entity import QNode
import numpy as np

light_speed = 299791458
length = 100000 # 100,000 m

def drop_rate(length):
    # drop 0.2 db/KM
    return 1 - np.exp(- length / 50000) #or  1 - np.power(10, - length / 50000)

# generate quantum nodes
n1 = QNode(name="n1")
n2 = QNode(name="n2")

# generate quantum channels and classic channels
qlink = QuantumChannel(name="l1", delay=length / light_speed,

clink = ClassicChannel(name="c1", delay=length / light_speed)

# add channels to the nodes

Finally, we add BB84SendApp to n1, it will generate qubits with random bases and send the qubit to n2. BB84RecvApp will be installed on n2, it will receive the qubits and measure the qubits with random bases.

from qns.network.protocol.bb84 import BB84RecvApp, BB84SendApp

sp = BB84SendApp(n2, qlink, clink, send_rate=1000)
rp = BB84RecvApp(n1, qlink, clink)

We set the sending rate to 1000 qubits/second. We install the simulator to all nodes (automatically initiate all channels and applications). Finally, we run the simulation and get the results.

# install all nodes

# run the simulation

# BB84RecvApp's succ_key_pool counts the number of success key distribution
# the rate is succ_key_pool/ simulation_time (10s)
print(len(rp.succ_key_pool) / 10)

Entanglement distribution with topology generator

To further reduce user’s work, SimQN provides the network module to build large-scale networks. In this experiment, we will use EntanglementDistributionApp to distribute entanglements from remote nodes.

First, we generate the simulator and produce the network produce:

from qns.simulator.simulator import Simulator
from qns.network.topology import RandomTopology
from qns.network.protocol.entanglement_distribution import EntanglementDistributionApp
from qns.network import QuantumNetwork
from qns.network.route.dijkstra import DijkstraRouteAlgorithm
from qns.network.topology.topo import ClassicTopology
import qns.utils.log as log
import logging

init_fidelity = 0.99 # the initial entanglement's fidelity
nodes_number = 150 # the number of nodes
lines_number = 450 # the number of quantum channels
qchannel_delay = 0.05 # the delay of quantum channels
cchannel_delay = 0.05 # the delay of classic channels
memory_capacity = 50 # the size of quantum memories
send_rate = 10 # the send rate
requests_number = 10 # the number of sessions (SD-pairs)

# generate the simulator
s = Simulator(0, 10, accuracy=1000000)

# set the log's level

# generate a random topology using the parameters above
# each node will install EntanglementDistributionApp for hop-by-hop entanglement distribution
topo = RandomTopology(nodes_number=nodes_number,
    qchannel_args={"delay": qchannel_delay},
    cchannel_args={"delay": cchannel_delay},
    memory_args=[{"capacity": memory_capacity}],

# build the network, with Dijkstra's routing algorithm
net = QuantumNetwork( topo=topo, classic_topo=ClassicTopology.All, route=DijkstraRouteAlgorithm())

# build the routing table

# randomly select multiple sessions (SD-pars)
net.random_requests(requests_number, attr={"send_rate": send_rate})

# all entities in the network will install the simulator and do initiate works.

Now, it is possible to run the simulation and get the results:

# run simulation

# count the number of successful entanglement distribution for each session
results = [req.src.apps[0].success_count for req in net.requests]

# log the results
log.monitor(requests_number, nodes_number, results, s.time_spend, sep=" ")