qns.entity package



qns.entity.entity module

class qns.entity.entity.Entity(name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

This is the basic entity class, including memories, channels and nodes.

handle(event: qns.simulator.event.Event) None[source]

handle is called to process an receiving Event.


event (qns.simulator.event.Event) – the event that send to this entity

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator

Module contents

class qns.entity.Application[source]

Bases: object

Application can be deployed on the quantum nodes.

add_handler(handler, EventTypeList: List = [], ByList: List = [])[source]

Add a handler function to the dispather.

  • handler – The handler to process the event. It is an object method whose function signature is the same to handle function.

  • EventTypeList – a list of Event Class Type. An empty list meaning to match all events.

  • ByList – a list of Entities, QNodes or Applications, that generates this event. An empty list meaning to match all entities.


get the node that runs this application


the quantum node


get the simulator


the simulator

handle(node, event: qns.simulator.event.Event) Optional[bool][source]

process the event on the node.

  • node (QNode) – the node that will handle this event

  • event (Event) – the event


if skip is True, further applications will not handle this event

Return type

skip (bool, None)

install(node, simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator)[source]

install initial events for this QNode

  • node (QNode) – the node that will handle this event

  • simulator (Simulator) – the simulator

class qns.entity.ClassicChannel(name: Optional[str] = None, node_list: List[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = [], bandwidth: int = 0, delay: Union[float, qns.models.delay.delay.DelayModel] = 0, length: Optional[float] = 0, drop_rate: float = 0, max_buffer_size: int = 0)[source]

Bases: qns.entity.entity.Entity

ClassicChannel is the channel for classic message

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator

send(packet: qns.entity.cchannel.cchannel.ClassicPacket, next_hop: qns.entity.node.node.QNode)[source]

Send a classic packet to the next_hop


qns.entity.cchannel.cchannel.NextHopNotConnectionException – the next_hop is not connected to this channel

class qns.entity.ClassicPacket(msg: Union[str, bytes, Any], src: Optional[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = None, dest: Optional[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = None)[source]

Bases: object

ClassicPacket is the message that transfer on a ClassicChannel

encode() bytes[source]

encode the self.msg if it is a str


(bytes) a bytes object


get the message from packet


(Union[str, bytes, Any])

class qns.entity.Entity(name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

This is the basic entity class, including memories, channels and nodes.

handle(event: qns.simulator.event.Event) None[source]

handle is called to process an receiving Event.


event (qns.simulator.event.Event) – the event that send to this entity

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator

class qns.entity.MemoryReadRequestEvent(memory, key: Union[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel, str], t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

MemoryReadRequestEvent is the event that request a memory read

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.MemoryReadResponseEvent(node: qns.entity.node.node.QNode, result: Optional[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel] = None, request: Optional[qns.entity.memory.event.MemoryReadRequestEvent] = None, t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

MemoryReadResponseEvent is the event that returns the memory read result

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.MemoryWriteRequestEvent(memory, qubit: qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel, t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

MemoryWriteRequestEvent is the event that request a memory write

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.MemoryWriteResponseEvent(node: qns.entity.node.node.QNode, result: Optional[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel] = None, request: Optional[qns.entity.memory.event.MemoryReadRequestEvent] = None, t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

MemoryWriteResponseEvent is the event that returns the memory write result

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.Monitor(name: Optional[str] = None, network=None)[source]

Bases: qns.entity.entity.Entity

add_attribution(name: str, calculate_func: Callable[[qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator, Any, Optional[qns.simulator.event.Event]], Any]) None[source]

Set an attribution that will be recorded. For example, an attribution could be the throughput, or the fidelity.

  • name (str) – the column’s name, e.g., fidelity, throughput, time …

  • calculate_func (Callable[[Simulator, Optional[QuantumNetwork], Optional[Event]]) – a function to calculate the value, it has three input parameters (Simulator, QuantumNetwork, Event), and it returns the value.


m = Monitor()

# record the event happening time m.add_attribution(“time”, lambda s,n,e: e.t)

# get the ‘name’ attribution of the last node m.add_attribution(“count”, lambda s,network,e: network.nodes[-1].name)

at_event(event_type) None[source]

Watch network status whenever the event happends


event_type (Event) – the watching event


# record network status when a node receives a qubit m.at_event(RecvQubitPacket)

at_finish() None[source]

Watch the final status after the simulation.



at_period(period_time: float) None[source]

Watch network status at a constant period.


period_time (float) – the period of watching network status [s]


# record network status every 3 seconds. m.at_period(3)

at_start() None[source]

Watch the initial status before the simulation starts.



calculate_date(event: qns.simulator.event.Event)[source]

Get the collected data.


the collected data, as a pd.DataFrame.

handle(event: qns.simulator.event.Event) None[source]

handle is called to process an receiving Event.


event (qns.simulator.event.Event) – the event that send to this entity

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator

class qns.entity.MonitorEvent(t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time], monitor, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

the event that notify the monitor to write down network status

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.OperateRequestEvent(operator, qubits: List[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel] = [], t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

OperateRequestEvent is the event that request a operator to handle

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.OperateResponseEvent(node: qns.entity.node.node.QNode, result: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, request: Optional[qns.entity.operator.event.OperateRequestEvent] = None, t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

OperateResponseEvent is the event that returns the operating result

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.QNode(name: Optional[str] = None, apps: Optional[List[qns.entity.node.app.Application]] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.entity.entity.Entity

QNode is a quantum node in the quantum network

add_apps(app: qns.entity.node.app.Application)[source]

Insert an Application into the app list.


app (Application) – the inserting application.


Add a classic channel in this QNode


cchannel (ClassicChannel) – the classic channel


Add a quantum memory in this QNode


memory (Memory) – the quantum memory


add a network object to this node


network (qns.network.network.Network) – the network object


Add a quantum operator in this node


operator (QuantumOperator) – the quantum operator


Add a quantum channel in this QNode


qchannel (QuantumChannel) – the quantum channel


add a request to this node


request (Request) – the inserting request


clear all requests


Get an Application that is app_type


app_type – the class of app_type

get_cchannel(dst: qns.entity.node.node.QNode)[source]

Get the classic channel that connects to the dst


dst (QNode) – the destination

get_memory(memory: Union[str, int])[source]

Get the memory by index (in memories) or its name


memory (Union[str, int]) – the index or name of the memory

get_qchannel(dst: qns.entity.node.node.QNode)[source]

Get the quantum channel that connects to the dst


dst (QNode) – the destination

handle(event: qns.simulator.event.Event) None[source]

This function will handle an Event. This event will be passed to every applications in apps list in order.


event (Event) – the event that happens on this QNode

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator

class qns.entity.QuantumChannel(name: Optional[str] = None, node_list: List[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = [], bandwidth: int = 0, delay: Union[float, qns.models.delay.delay.DelayModel] = 0, drop_rate: float = 0, max_buffer_size: int = 0, length: float = 0, decoherence_rate: Optional[float] = 0, transfer_error_model_args: dict = {})[source]

Bases: qns.entity.entity.Entity

QuantumChannel is the channel for transmitting qubit

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (Simulator) – the simulator

send(qubit: qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel, next_hop: qns.entity.node.node.QNode)[source]

Send a qubit to the next_hop

  • qubit (QuantumModel) – the transmitting qubit

  • next_hop (QNode) – the next hop QNode


NextHopNotConnectionException – the next_hop is not connected to this channel

class qns.entity.QuantumMemory(name: Optional[str] = None, node: Optional[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = None, capacity: int = 0, decoherence_rate: Optional[float] = 0, store_error_model_args: dict = {}, delay: Union[float, qns.models.delay.delay.DelayModel] = 0)[source]

Bases: qns.entity.entity.Entity

Quantum memory stores qubits or entangled pairs.

It has two modes:

Synchronous mode, users can use the read and write function to operate the memory directly without delay Asynchronous mode, users can use events to operate memories asynchronously

property count: int

return the current memory usage

get(key: Union[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel, str, int]) Optional[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel][source]

get a qubit from the memory but without removing it from the memory


key (Union[QuantumModel, str, int]) – the key. It can be a QuantumModel object, its name or the index number.

get_store_time(key: Union[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel, str, int]) Optional[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel][source]

get the store time of a qubit from the memory


key (Union[QuantumModel, str, int]) – the key. It can be a QuantumModel object, its name or the index number.

handle(event: qns.simulator.event.Event) None[source]

handle is called to process an receiving Event.


event (qns.simulator.event.Event) – the event that send to this entity

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator

is_full() bool[source]

check whether the memory is full

read(key: Union[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel, str]) Optional[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel][source]

The API for reading a qubit from the memory


key (Union[QuantumModel, str]) – the key. It can be a QuantumModel object, its name or the index number.

write(qm: qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel) bool[source]

The API for storing a qubit to the memory


qm (QuantumModel) – the QuantumModel, could be a qubit or an entangled pair


whether the qubit is stored successfully

Return type


class qns.entity.QuantumOperator(name: Optional[str] = None, node: Optional[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = None, gate: Optional[Callable[[...], Union[None, int, List[int]]]] = None, delay: Union[float, qns.models.delay.delay.DelayModel] = 0)[source]

Bases: qns.entity.entity.Entity

Quantum operator can perfrom quantum operation or measurements on qubits. It has two modes:

Synchronous mode, users can use the operate function to operate qubits directly without delay Asynchronous mode, users will use events to operate quantum operations asynchronously

handle(event: qns.simulator.event.Event) None[source]

handle is called to process an receiving Event.


event (qns.simulator.event.Event) – the event that send to this entity

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator

operate(*qubits) Optional[Union[int, List[int]]][source]

operate on qubits and return the measure result


qubits – the operating qubits


the measure result

set_own(node: qns.entity.node.node.QNode)[source]

set the owner of this quantum operator

class qns.entity.RecvClassicPacket(t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, cchannel: Optional[qns.entity.cchannel.cchannel.ClassicChannel] = None, packet: Optional[qns.entity.cchannel.cchannel.ClassicPacket] = None, dest: Optional[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

The event for a QNode to receive a classic packet

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.RecvQubitPacket(t: Optional[qns.simulator.ts.Time] = None, qchannel: Optional[qns.entity.qchannel.qchannel.QuantumChannel] = None, qubit: Optional[qns.models.core.backend.QuantumModel] = None, dest: Optional[qns.entity.node.node.QNode] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, by: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Bases: qns.simulator.event.Event

The event for a QNode to receive a classic packet

invoke() None[source]

Invoke the event, should be implemented

class qns.entity.Timer(name: str, start_time: float, end_time: float = 0, step_time: float = 1, trigger_func=None)[source]

Bases: qns.entity.entity.Entity

A Timer is an Entity that trigger the function trigger_func one-shot or periodically.

install(simulator: qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) None[source]

install is called before simulator runs to initialize or set initial events


simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator) – the simulator
