Source code for

#    SimQN: a discrete-event simulator for the quantum networks
#    Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Lutong Chen, Jian Li, Kaiping Xue
#    University of Science and Technology of China, USTC.
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from qns.entity import QNode, QuantumChannel, QuantumMemory, ClassicChannel
from import Topology
from import RouteImpl, DijkstraRouteAlgorithm
from import Request
from import ClassicTopology
from qns.simulator.simulator import Simulator
from qns.utils.rnd import get_randint

[docs]class QuantumNetwork(object): """ QuantumNetwork includes several quantum nodes, channels and a special topology """ def __init__(self, topo: Optional[Topology] = None, route: Optional[RouteImpl] = None, classic_topo: Optional[ClassicTopology] = ClassicTopology.Empty, name: Optional[str] = None): """ Args: topo: a `Topology` class. If topo is not None, a special quantum topology is built. route: the route implement. If route is None, the dijkstra algorithm will be used classic_topo (ClassicTopo): a `ClassicTopo` enum class. """ = name self.cchannels: List[ClassicChannel] = [] if topo is None: self.nodes: List[QNode] = [] self.qchannels: List[QuantumChannel] = [] else: self.nodes, self.qchannels = if classic_topo is not None: self.cchannels = topo.add_cchannels(classic_topo=classic_topo, nl=self.nodes, ll=self.qchannels) for n in self.nodes: n.add_network(self) if route is None: self.route: RouteImpl = DijkstraRouteAlgorithm() else: self.route: RouteImpl = route self.requests: List[Request] = []
[docs] def install(self, s: Simulator): ''' install all nodes (including channels, memories and applications) in this network Args: simulator (qns.simulator.simulator.Simulator): the simulator ''' for n in self.nodes: n.install(s)
[docs] def add_node(self, node: QNode): """ add a QNode into this network. Args: node (qns.entity.node.node.QNode): the inserting node """ self.nodes.append(node) node.add_network(self)
[docs] def get_node(self, name: str): """ get the QNode by its name Args: name (str): its name Returns: the QNode """ for n in self.nodes: if == name: return n return None
[docs] def add_qchannel(self, qchannel: QuantumChannel): """ add a QuantumChannel into this network. Args: qchannel (qns.entity.qchannel.qchannel.QuantumChannel): the inserting QuantumChannel """ self.qchannels.append(qchannel)
[docs] def get_qchannel(self, name: str): """ get the QuantumChannel by its name Args: name (str): its name Returns: the QuantumChannel """ for n in self.qchannels: if == name: return n return None
[docs] def add_cchannel(self, cchannel: ClassicChannel): """ add a ClassicChannel into this network. Args: cchannel (qns.entity.cchannel.cchannel.ClassicChannel): the inserting ClassicChannel """ self.cchannels.append(cchannel)
[docs] def get_cchannel(self, name: str): """ get the ClassicChannel by its name Args: name (str): its name Returns: the ClassicChannel """ for n in self.cchannels: if == name: return n return None
[docs] def add_memories(self, capacity: int = 0, decoherence_rate: Optional[float] = 0, store_error_model_args: dict = {}): """ Add quantum memories to every nodes in this network Args: capacity (int): the capacity of the quantum memory decoherence_rate (float): the decoherence rate store_error_model_args: the arguments for store_error_model """ for idx, n in enumerate(self.nodes): m = QuantumMemory(name=f"m{idx}", node=n, capacity=capacity, decoherence_rate=decoherence_rate, store_error_model_args=store_error_model_args) n.add_memory(m)
[docs] def build_route(self): """ build static route tables for each nodes """, self.qchannels)
[docs] def query_route(self, src: QNode, dest: QNode) -> List[Tuple[float, QNode, List[QNode]]]: """ query the metric, nexthop and the path Args: src: the source node dest: the destination node Returns: A list of route paths. The result should be sortted by the priority. The element is a tuple containing: metric, the next-hop and the whole path. """ return self.route.query(src, dest)
[docs] def add_request(self, src: QNode, dest: QNode, attr: Dict = {}): """ Add a request (SD-pair) to the network Args: src: the source node dest: the destination node attr: other attributions """ req = Request(src=src, dest=dest, attr=attr) self.requests.append(req) src.add_request(req) dest.add_request(req)
[docs] def random_requests(self, number: int, allow_overlay: bool = False, attr: Dict = {}): """ Generate random requests Args: number (int): the number of requests allow_overlay (bool): allow a node to be the source or destination in multiple requests attr (Dict): request attributions """ used_nodes: List[int] = [] nnodes = len(self.nodes) if number < 1: raise QNSNetworkError("number of requests should be large than 1") if not allow_overlay and number * 2 > nnodes: raise QNSNetworkError("Too many requests") for n in self.nodes: n.clear_request() self.requests.clear() for _ in range(number): while True: src_idx = get_randint(0, nnodes - 1) dest_idx = get_randint(0, nnodes - 1) if src_idx == dest_idx: continue if not allow_overlay and src_idx in used_nodes: continue if not allow_overlay and dest_idx in used_nodes: continue if not allow_overlay: used_nodes.append(src_idx) used_nodes.append(dest_idx) break src = self.nodes[src_idx] dest = self.nodes[dest_idx] req = Request(src=src, dest=dest, attr=attr) self.requests.append(req) src.add_request(req) dest.add_request(req)
[docs]class QNSNetworkError(Exception): pass