Source code for qns.models.qubit.gate

#    SimQN: a discrete-event simulator for the quantum networks
#    Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Lutong Chen, Jian Li, Kaiping Xue
#    University of Science and Technology of China, USTC.
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Any, Optional
import numpy as np
from qns.models.qubit.const import OPERATOR_HADAMARD, OPERATOR_PAULI_I, \
                                   OPERATOR_PAULI_X, OPERATOR_PAULI_Y, \
                                   OPERATOR_PAULI_Z, OPERATOR_PHASE_SHIFT, \
                                   OPERATOR_RX, OPERATOR_RY, OPERATOR_RZ, \
                                   OPERATOR_S, OPERATOR_T
from qns.models.qubit.qubit import Qubit
from qns.models.qubit.utils import kron, joint
from qns.models.qubit.errors import QGateOperatorNotMatchError, QGateQubitNotInStateError

[docs]class Gate(): """ The quantum gates that will operate qubits """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, _docs: Optional[str] = None): """ Args: name (str): the gate's name """ self._name: Optional[str] = name self.__doc__ = _docs def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: pass
[docs]class SingleQubitGate(Gate): """ The single qubit gates operate on a single qubit """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, operator: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, _docs: Optional[str] = None): """ Args: name (str): the gate's name operator (np.ndarray): the matrix represent of this operator """ super().__init__(name, _docs) self._operator = operator def __call__(self, qubit: Qubit) -> None: """ Args: qubit (Qubit): the operating qubit Raises: QGateOperatorNotMatchError QGateQubitNotInStateError """ qubit.operate(self._operator)
X = SingleQubitGate(name="X", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_X, _docs="Pauli X Gate") Y = SingleQubitGate(name="Y", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_Y, _docs="Pauli Y Gate") Z = SingleQubitGate(name="Z", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_Z, _docs="Pauli Z Gate") I = SingleQubitGate(name="I", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_I, _docs="Pauli I Gate") H = SingleQubitGate(name="H", operator=OPERATOR_HADAMARD, _docs="Hadamard Gate") T = SingleQubitGate(name="T", operator=OPERATOR_T, _docs="T gate (pi/4 shift gate)") S = SingleQubitGate(name="S", operator=OPERATOR_S, _docs="S gate (pi/2 shift gate)")
[docs]class SingleQubitRotateGate(SingleQubitGate): def __call__(self, qubit: Qubit, theta=np.pi/4) -> None: """ Args: qubit (Qubit): the operating qubit theta (float): the rotating degree Raises: QGateOperatorNotMatchError QGateQubitNotInStateError """ qubit.operate(self._operator(theta))
R = SingleQubitRotateGate(name="R", operator=OPERATOR_PHASE_SHIFT, _docs="R gate (phase shift gate)") RX = SingleQubitRotateGate(name="RX", operator=OPERATOR_RX, _docs="Rx gate (X rotate gate)") RY = SingleQubitRotateGate(name="RY", operator=OPERATOR_RY, _docs="Ry gate (Y rotate gate)") RZ = SingleQubitRotateGate(name="RZ", operator=OPERATOR_RZ, _docs="Rz gate (Z rotate gate)")
[docs]class SingleQubitArbitraryGate(SingleQubitGate): def __call__(self, qubit: Qubit, operator: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Args: qubit (Qubit): the operating qubit operator (np.ndarray): the operator matrix Raises: QGateOperatorNotMatchError QGateQubitNotInStateError """ if operator.shape != (2, 2): raise QGateOperatorNotMatchError self._operator = operator qubit.operate(self._operator)
U = SingleQubitArbitraryGate(name="U", operator=None, _docs="Arbitrary single qubit operation gate")
[docs]class DoubleQubitsControlledGate(Gate): """ The double qubits gates operate on two qubits, including a controlled qubit and a operating qubit. The controlled gate: [[I_2, 0][0, operator]] """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, operator: Optional[np.ndarray] = OPERATOR_PAULI_X, _docs: Optional[str] = None): """ Args: name (str): the gate's name operator (np.ndarray): the matrix represent of the operator """ super().__init__(name, _docs) self._operator = operator def __call__(self, qubit1: Qubit, qubit2: Qubit, operator: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> None: """ Args: qubit1 (Qubit): the first qubit (controller) qubit2 (Qubit): the second qubit operator (np.ndarray): the matrix represent of the operator Raises: QGateOperatorNotMatchError QGateQubitNotInStateError QGateStateJointError """ if operator is None: operator = self._operator if operator.shape != (2, 2): raise QGateOperatorNotMatchError if qubit1 == qubit2: return joint(qubit1, qubit2) state = qubit1.state try: idx1 = state.qubits.index(qubit1) idx2 = state.qubits.index(qubit2) except ValueError: raise QGateQubitNotInStateError full_operator_part_0 = np.array([1]) # |0> <0| full_operator_part_1 = np.array([1]) # |1> <1| for i in range(state.num): if i == idx1: full_operator_part_0 = kron(full_operator_part_0, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])) full_operator_part_1 = kron(full_operator_part_1, np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])) elif i == idx2: full_operator_part_0 = kron(full_operator_part_0, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_1 = kron(full_operator_part_1, operator) else: full_operator_part_0 = kron(full_operator_part_0, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_1 = kron(full_operator_part_1, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator = full_operator_part_0 + full_operator_part_1 qubit1.state.operate(full_operator)
ControlledGate = DoubleQubitsControlledGate(name="Controlled Gate", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_X, _docs="The controlled gate") CNOT = DoubleQubitsControlledGate(name="Controlled NOT Gate", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_X, _docs="The controlled Pauli-X gate") CX = DoubleQubitsControlledGate(name="Controlled Pauli-X Gate", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_X, _docs="The controlled Pauli-X gate") CY = DoubleQubitsControlledGate(name="Controlled Pauli-Y Gate", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_Y, _docs="The controlled Pauli-Y gate") CZ = DoubleQubitsControlledGate(name="Controlled Pauli-Z Gate", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_Z, _docs="The controlled Pauli-Z gate")
[docs]class DoubleQubitsRotateGate(DoubleQubitsControlledGate): def __call__(self, qubit1: Qubit, qubit2: Qubit, theta: float = np.pi/4) -> None: operator = self._operator(theta) super().__call__(qubit1, qubit2, operator=operator)
CR = DoubleQubitsRotateGate(name="Controlled Phase Rotate Gate", operator=OPERATOR_PHASE_SHIFT, _docs="The controlled rotate gate")
[docs]class SwapGate(Gate): def __call__(self, qubit1: Qubit, qubit2: Qubit): """ The swap gate, swap the states of qubit1 and qubit2 Args: qubit1 (Qubit): the first qubit (controller) qubit2 (Qubit): the second qubit Raises: QGateOperatorNotMatchError QGateQubitNotInStateError """ if qubit1 == qubit2: return joint(qubit1, qubit2) state = qubit1.state # single qubit operate try: idx1 = state.qubits.index(qubit1) idx2 = state.qubits.index(qubit2) except ValueError: raise QGateQubitNotInStateError state.qubits[idx1], state.qubits[idx2] = state.qubits[idx2], state.qubits[idx1]
Swap = SwapGate(name="Swap Gate", _docs="swap the states of qubit1 and qubit2")
[docs]class ThreeQubitsGate(Gate): """ The gate operates on three qubits, including 2 controlled qubit and a operating qubit. The 3 controlled-controlled gate: [[I_6, 0][0, operator]] """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, operator: Optional[np.ndarray] = OPERATOR_PAULI_X, _docs: Optional[str] = None): """ Args: name (str): the gate's name operator (np.ndarray): the matrix represent of the operator """ super().__init__(name, _docs) self._operator = operator def __call__(self, qubit1: Qubit, qubit2: Qubit, qubit3: Qubit, operator: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> Any: if operator is None: operator = self._operator if operator.shape != (2, 2): raise QGateOperatorNotMatchError if qubit1 == qubit2 or qubit1 == qubit3 or qubit2 == qubit3: return joint(qubit1, qubit2) joint(qubit2, qubit3) state = qubit1.state # single qubit operate try: idx1 = state.qubits.index(qubit1) idx2 = state.qubits.index(qubit2) idx3 = state.qubits.index(qubit3) except ValueError: raise QGateQubitNotInStateError full_operator_part_00 = np.array([1]) # |0> <0| full_operator_part_01 = np.array([1]) # |1> <1| full_operator_part_10 = np.array([1]) # |0> <0| full_operator_part_11 = np.array([1]) # |1> <1| for i in range(state.num): if i == idx1: full_operator_part_00 = kron(full_operator_part_00, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])) full_operator_part_01 = kron(full_operator_part_01, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])) full_operator_part_10 = kron(full_operator_part_10, np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])) full_operator_part_11 = kron(full_operator_part_11, np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])) elif i == idx2: full_operator_part_00 = kron(full_operator_part_00, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])) full_operator_part_10 = kron(full_operator_part_10, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])) full_operator_part_01 = kron(full_operator_part_01, np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])) full_operator_part_11 = kron(full_operator_part_11, np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])) elif i == idx3: full_operator_part_00 = kron(full_operator_part_00, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_01 = kron(full_operator_part_01, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_10 = kron(full_operator_part_10, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_11 = kron(full_operator_part_11, operator) else: full_operator_part_00 = kron(full_operator_part_00, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_01 = kron(full_operator_part_01, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_10 = kron(full_operator_part_10, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator_part_11 = kron(full_operator_part_11, OPERATOR_PAULI_I) full_operator = full_operator_part_00 + full_operator_part_01 + full_operator_part_10 + full_operator_part_11 qubit1.state.operate(full_operator)
Toffoli = ThreeQubitsGate(name="Toffoli Gate", operator=OPERATOR_PAULI_X, _docs="The controlled-controlled (Toffoli) gate")